Students from Bangor University will take part in a march next Friday, 12 April, protesting against climate change inaction.

There have been escalating young people’s demonstrations across the world, with tens of thousands coming onto the streets in major cities to demand action to stop global warming and environmental destruction.

On 15 February an extraordinary day of action saw more than 10,000 students across the UK skip school and take to the streets to voice their anger and frustration at the failure of the government and older generations to tackle climate change.

The protests have been inspired by Greta Thunberg who began a solo climate protest by striking from school in Sweden in August 2018. Since then, thousands of school students around the world have joined her.

On the 15 March around 1.5 million people around the world staged a protest about climate inaction, with 50,000 protesters taking part in over 50 other cities and towns across the UK.

The protests swept across the globe in at least 100 countries – from Australia, where 150,000 defied a government ruled by the coal industry, across Asia, Africa and to Europe, where city squares and streets were packed in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium, in the UK and on to North and South America.

A statement on Bangor Student’s Union Facebook Page read: “We are choosing to rise up and take direct action where older generations have failed. We are already facing devastating and irreversible impacts around the world. This is our final chance to fight for our futures, and our ages will not be what stops us.”

Bangor’s protest march will take place on the 12th of April at midday starting from Main Arts Quad and finishing at the Bangor War Memorial

For more information visit the Facebook Event page here: