A special service of remembrance was held at Bangor Cathedral on Armistice Sunday, 11th November, to remember Bangor’s war heroes who died in the First World War, 1914-1918.

A group of young people from Bangor, read out the biographies and names of over 200 of the war dead from Bangor who are commemorated in Cofeb Y Dewrion (Heroes’ Memorial) compiled by the Reverend W.J.Owen (Afallon) soon after the war.

A spokesperson from Bangor Cathedral said: “The readings were poignant and had a profound effect on all present.”

They are from left to right (Main Photo) – Craig Lightfoot and Leon Shaw both of The Military Preparation College, Ioan Bryn, Guto Davies and Carwyn Sion from Ysgol Tryfan; Katie Tew and Paige Dixon from Bangor university; Lucy Joyce and Ben Hamilton from Ysgol Friars and Liam Stone from Coleg Menai.

The obituaries of the Bangor war dead can also be viewed on the Bangor Civic Society website here: http://www.bangorcivicsociety.org.uk/pages/hisso/cofeb/index.htm

Cofeb Y Dewrion contains the biographies of the Bangor war dead.