Bangor University’s Sustainability Lab and Botanic Garden have been asking students, staff and the local community if they could you put down their mobile phones and other devices to enjoy more nature, as part of the UK University community’s national celebration of Go Green Week.

When you step outside into a green space or give an indoor plant a home it gives you so much – stress relief, clean air, inspiration, relaxation, lushness, beauty, joy. To encourage people to Go Green, “More Green Less Screen” promises trees went up all over the University including at the University’s Botanic Garden, all four libraries, the International Students’ Centre, The Students’ Union, and Pontio’s Co-working.

Passers-by were asked to write their “More Green Less Screen” promise on a leaf or an apple, take a selfie with their promise, share it on social media, then Go Green for the Week!

Bangor’s Go Green Week is part of Bangor University’s Sustainability Carnifal, a showcase of the range and variety of sustainability-related events that run in a typical month at Bangor University.

For more information about “More Green Less Screen”, Go Green Week or the Sustainability Carnifal at Bangor, or to host a Go Green activity in 2019, contact Jo at The Sustainability Lab [link].

Find out more about Go Green Week and Sustainability Carnifal on Twitter and Facebook at #GoGreenWeek and #Carnifal.