Support The Bangor Aye with a Donation

Your support helps protect The Bangor Aye for the future and it means we can keep delivering quality news for the community. Every contribution, however big or small, is so valuable for our future.

The Bangor Aye aims to provide comprehensive up-to-date local news that helps people connect to their community and the issues that are important to them, it’s also important that Bangor has a strong voice to highlight local issues as well as promoting Bangor businesses and events.

The Bangor Aye reaches hundreds of thousands of people every month, with stories that are important to the local community and are often then featured in the national press and news channels …… we want to continue bringing you this news.

The site is completely independent and receives no financial support or funding from any other organisation, while generating a small amount of revenue through advertising, we would like to develop the site further and secure its future.

You can make a monthly commitment to support The Bangor Aye long term or a one-off contribution as and when you feel like it using the Donate button below – choose the option that suits you best. Thank you for your support.